Codificando Night Week (2016) - Managing Your Container Infrastructure With Rancher (pt-BR)
Codificando Live (2016) - Minha Vida: Cloud Infrastructure Proof of Concept (pt-BR)
QCon Rio (2015) - Minha Vida: +20 million monthly web and mobile users (pt-BR)
Codificando Night Week (2015) - Docker Containers on Azure (pt-BR)
MVTechday (2014) - All about Bitcoin (pt-BR)
MV Tech (2014) - A little about Zapier (pt-BR)
MVTechday (2013) - Introduction to OWIN and Katana pt. 1 (pt-BR 1:34:45)
MVTechday (2013) - Introduction to OWIN and Katana pt. 2 (pt-BR)